Adam Sommer

Adam Sommer is an astrologer.  One who is dedicated to augmenting your experience of astrology through playful words, inspiring podcasts, and hopefully, life changing readings as well.  He has been practicing professionally for nearly a decade,  working with clients and students all over this beautiful world. Trained and certified by Maurice Fernandez, he has used this sturdy foundation to explore many other branches of the astrology tree—like Jyotish, Evolutionary, Archetypal, and Traditional forms—but likes to find himself sitting beneath the tree, not solely hanging from the branches.  By borrowing from many traditions and applying the techniques in his own life and the countless clients he has worked with, he has stumbled into what he calls, “Kosmognosis:” A direct and alive relationship with the cosmos—up there and in here—which infinitely informs the participant with the most unique strain of wisdom.